Friday, July 16, 2010

More Eisegesis

More bad scriptural context from "Pastor" Michael on PP. The passage is found in Heb 13 (v 13 in particular).

Michael uses the "outside the camp" passage in Scripture as if it is describing stepping outside the church. However, the context of the passage is about the relationship of Jesus to Israel. He was crucified outside the city gates of Jerusalem, and the early church needed to understand that faith in Jesus would set them at odds with Jerusalem. They would be (as Jesus had promised) persecuted from the Jews and find themselves outside of what they had long trusted (such as the promises to Abraham, etc).

Rather than the passage being about going outside the church, it stresses our responsibility to our new authorities, the leaders in the church. Odd that Michael, who claims to be a pastor, would have an interpretation of this passage so at odds with what the context of the passage represents. It's not a passage about doing your own thing (as Michael has done with his "own" church). It's a passage about being subject to the church.

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