Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Verse by Verse Teaching

Someone wrote:
“I still dig the V by V teaching format, and think it can be highly effective. Got that from CC.”

I think that historical churches which operate from the Common Lectionary actually do a better job of going through the BIble thoroughly than the Calvary Chapel v by v model. They go through the entire Bible in three years. They cover all the chapters and they don;t allow for concentrations on pet peeves nearly as easily as the Calvary Chapel v by v model.

I personally heard Chuck Smith find anti-homosexual things in chapter after chapter in the Bible in spite of the fact that there were zero passages on that particular proclivity in any of the v by verses for the week.


  1. I really liked the expositional teaching, but yes, I have found great value in the lectionary as well. Sadly, CC, and many other Bible-based churches have forgotten the value of this.

  2. I always felt that CC went too far in removing the sacramental and liturgical aspects of the faith.
