Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Non-Denominational Denomination

Is Calvary a Denomination?
Dave Rolph wrote in the phoenixpreacher BLOG
The argument about denominationalism and Calvary could go on forever, without resolution. ... If you want to believe that CC is a denomination then you should at least concede that it is unlike any other denomination. No denomination that I know of is so loosely structured, with no support from its member churches, no requirements for ordination (and no central ordaining group), no central governing officials, no denominational office...
This is the case for what Dave considers Calvary to not be a denomination. Here's the reasons:
  1. loosely structured

  2. no support from member churches

  3. no requirement for ordination

  4. no central ordaining group

  5. no central governing officials

  6. no denominational office

Let's examine each of these and see if they are relevant to the question of whether CC is a denomination or not.

Loosely Structured
This is a pretty subjective definition. Calvary Chapel's share the same name and are a franchise like any other denomination.

Although CC does not have congregational polity, many churches which have congregational polity in their local churches are also loosely structured in their connection to the denomination. In many such cases the denomination cannot remove a local pastor since the call of a pastor comes from the church.

No Support from Member Churches
Perhaps it is true that Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa does not recieve regular offerings from the local churches but does that imply that the local churches do not support Costa Mesa? Costa Mesa publishes materials which the local churches purchase. Costa Mesa controls the Bible College which local churches send kids to. There is support for the denomination that goes to the denominational structures.

No requirement for ordination
Ordination does appear to be somewhat fluid in Calvary Chapel. It seems that the method of ordination with Calvary Chapel is to have pastors ordain other pastors rather than the ordination coming from the denomination. It may surprise Dave, but that has parallels to some other denominations. The pastors are part of the ministerium and are ordained through the ministerium not through the denomination. There is a one to one correspondence between the ministerium and the pastors of the denomination. Do Calvary pastors pay yearly dues to a ministerial association for Calvary Chapel pastors or do the costs of running the yearly pastor's conferences include this as a hidden charge?

No central ordaining group
There are other denominations which do not have a central ordaining group.

No central governing officials
Certainly this is the key point. Other groups have elected denomination official and separately elected ministerial officials. Calvary Chapel has regional pasts which seem to cover both.

No denominational office
What is the CCOF but this?

How does CC describe itself?
CC describes itself as a "church", a "movement" and a "fellowship".

Definition of Denomination
The definition of denomination from wikipedia is:
A religious denomination, (also simply denomination) is a large, long-established subgroup within a religion that has existed for many years.

What Makes CC a Denomination?

  1. A sense of a cohering self identity.

  2. Certification by a central authority of who is CC (the CCOF).

  3. CC has distinctives. These are available in a book form.

  4. Distinct form of church governance - polity.

  5. The distinctives include a certain position on particular subjects, such as a rejection of five point Calvinism and an acceptance of a Dispensational framework for eschatology.

  6. A written history "A Venture in Faith" of the church.

  7. CCCM houses CCOF.

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