Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sorry Guys (and Gals)

For those of you who came here hoping I'd pick up for Michael on the scandal front, I'm not going down that road anytime soon. Apparently even being caught with a prostitute isn't enough to bring down a Calvary Chapel pastor, so what more can be said on the scandals of CC?

Now if you want to discuss what is the real scandal, IE, the bad theology of Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel then I'm in. But I find most people don't have much of a stomach for theological issues. Smith's heretical view on the resurrection should be more than enough to disqualify him as a Biblical teacher. Add to that Smith's naming of dates for the Return of Jesus Christ in 1981 was so blatantly foul that it would make even a JW cringe.

Now before Dave Rolph or someone else gets on here and claims Smith has changed, and that's all in the past, let me put forth a challenge. If you believe Smith has repented, post the tape number and time offset into the tape. Let's listen for ourselves and see. I don't think he has, but I've got better things to do than check if Smith is still spouting heresy.

Lest you think I'm just picking on an old man, he's been an old man a very long time and a lot of people have kept silent for years. Time for a clear way forward out of the heresy of the past.

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