Thursday, July 01, 2010

Judge Not???

Mary Danielson of Calvary Chapel in Appleton, Wis. is quoted in The Christian Post (today), as saying about Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine:
Wallis claims to be an evangelical pastor, but is merely using Scripture to "justify his radicalism."

"He does not hold to the central tenets of biblical Christianity but he reads a brand of social justice into the Bible," Danielson said on Crosstalk radio.

Now, I am OK with the charge that "social justice" as understood by Wallis and such is not Biblical. I have serious problems with the social and justice in so-called social justice. The result is neither social (Biblical social policy) nor justice (in the sense of treating everyone without preference for one group over another).

I've got a problem with the first part of the charge, IE, that Wallis is just claiming to be an evangelical pastor (and really isn't). This is not the sort of charge that a person from Calvary Chapel should be making. What is her standing to judge the faith of Wallis?

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