Sunday, August 19, 2007

CC vs EC - Charge #2

The second charge CC has leveled against the EC is:
2 - The soft peddling of hell as the destiny for those who reject the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. There are suggestions of universalism in their teaching, that all will ultimately be saved.
There are two charges here which are once against unsubstantiated.

About making unsubstantiated charges against Christians
This is an ethical problem. Does the Bible permit CC to make these charges without substantiation? I think that CC is being unethical here.

The two charges are "soft peddling of hell" and "suggestions of universalism".

1 - Soft peddling of Hell. This same charge has been raised against Calvary Chapel. Here's how it can be done. Go to the document "What Calvary Teaches". Search the document about what Calvary teaches for "hell". You will only find one reference and it is in a section about what Calvary rejects. Near as one can tell from their own official documents they "soft peddle hell".

2 - Universalism. Again there is no specific quote included and even this point says that the EC only offers a "suggestion" of universalism. This point was also dealt with in the first point.

OK, we get it. Calvary Chapel is against everyone being saved. Nuff said.

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