Friday, August 10, 2007

Sources of Amillennialism?

According to the pre-wrath website:
amillennialism is a human creation that developed out of the nascent Roman Catholic church
Is their claim true? What do they mean by nascent? What does it matter anyway?

The Augustine Question?
First of all, who was Augustine? He was one of the earlier and stronger proponents of the Amillennial viewpoint, but was he a Roman Catholic? Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo, which was in northern Africa. Bishops were not appointed from Rome at that time. They were independent of Rome.

What other views came out of the same time frame?
The Trinity is one of them. It was present earlier, but it came out of that time frame. The reference to the Roman Catholic church is anachronistic since the the Roman Catholic church did not take form until the 7th century.

A proposed better wording
Amillennialism was taught in the Early Church
Nascent means newly born. How could the church be newly born if it wasn't born for centuries afterwords? The use of Roman Catholic and the attempt to tie it to the Amillennial teaching is perverse and at best it is poisoning the well by appealing to the anti-Catholic sentiment of many evangelicals.

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